Sailing Away with Kalle...

No you're eyes do not deceive you. Yes its the Kalle dress. Again.

Old English sea shanty - "Yo ho ho, those are the pasty knees of an Englishman..."

I know I can't do much of a review here as I've made 4 already... so really that's all the review you need I think.

I did make some very minor changes to the pattern on this one though so it's not technically identical! (::trying to justify it to myself::) I omitted the deep curved hem and just cut it straight across. This was just you're basic shirt dress so no leg flashing necessary, I'm fairly tall so found the height of the curve came pretty high up my thigh last time. Leveling off the hem still gave it that nice dipped shaping which I quite liked.

Vogue Edit - "White Leg and Trucker Arm Tan all the rage this season"
Second minor hack was to miss out the sleeve cuffs. The pattern calls for a couple of bands around the arms but to be fair it really doesn't need them, its just a nice addition to the full design. This print is pretty busy anyway so I left them out.

I do need to rave for just a second about this awesome fabric. It's from Cotton Reel Studio
and is the most beautiful drape viscose. Yummy. As luck would have it I also had the best buttons for this project in the stash. Now these buttons were bought right when I first started sewing, I had no clue what to make with them I just thought they were nice and ended up with about 50 of them! They've sat in a jar all these years so I'm so pleased they got to fulfill their button destiny after all this time, especially on something I know I will actually wear. (Anyone else get sentimental about their stash?!)

This one was made to be belted and the blousy-ness lends itself well to that, the back pleat looks lovely and straight even when nipped in.

I think I shall be hanging up my Kalle obsession for a little while and trying something new - however like all addictions it will be difficult to kick the habit.

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  1. This is my favourite version of yours so far! I bet your buttons are happy to be finally of service on such a fab shirt!

    1. hehe thank you! yes, was so pleased the buttons found their time of life!

  2. Love this! Did you make any amendments to the waist to be able to belt it or you just made it as is?

    1. Thanks! No amendment to the waist, the belt is just thrown on around it :)

  3. Every time I see one of your kalles I am reminded of how I really need to make one! This is gorgeous as usual.

    1. Thanks lovely - give it a go you wont regret it! x

  4. Ah, anchor button kismet! This looks very professional and lovely and cool to wear. Also I just learned the phrase "trucker arm tan" from you and now I am pleased, it can be friends with my Toms tan (not technically from Toms).

    1. HAHAH! That's brilliant - I shall also take home the Toms tan phrase also as that's a new one :)
