Happy New Year - Make Nine 2019

Happy New Year all :)

I wish I could report that I'm all refreshed and raring to go for the new year but truth be told, I'm knackered and still crawling out of my cave like a bear with a sore head. I think I need to join Clyde in his hibernation and wake up around March time!

Made with vinyl decal and traced pics of the torties
Now it wouldn't be a sewing blogger new year post without a quick round up of the 2018 Make Nine 'challenge'. I use that term loosely as it wasn't really a challenge, so much as a nice idea of what I fancied making. Last year I picked out:

As you can see, the majority got made with a few exceptions. Top left were some cropped trousers however I bought some RTW ones for like £10 in the sale and saw no real need to sew any just for the sake of it.* Similarly with the Morgan jeans - I already had that style so making them seemed a bit daft. I am annoyed at myself for failing on the activewear front though - I have Melissa Fehr's
leggings from the 'Sew Your Own Activewear' book all drafted out since February but they never got made! I pretty much live in Lycra aswell so not sure what went awry there.

*Not sewing related as such, but in 2018 we did the Marie Kondo method of Japanese tidying and it was AMAZING. It took a long time, was hard work and surprisingly emotional but afterwards it was so worth it. Everything has a home, there's no clutter about and its so easy to maintain the house. It also gives you a fab indication of what you actually need/want in life and from your clothes. I'd highly recommend it :) Just FYI there's now a show on Netflix about it 'Tidying Up'

Also - I absolutely LIVE by her method of folding and storing clothes. Game changer. 

2019 brings a different kind of sewing for me hopefully - I had tied myself last year to an epic 'to do' list which I felt I had to work my way through. I've ditched the list. Instead I have a few 'ideas' to work from however there's no chronological order to it and I'd like to sew more things, that I just feel like making at the time. In that respect 2019 Make Nine is also just an ideas board not a 'challenge' to get them all done :)

Fingers crossed a lot of these can be made from the stash however fabric shopping is a joy, so let's not get rid of that too strictly ;-)

Here's my choices for this year:

Left to Right:

The Deer & Doe Melilot blouse was something I had already attempted to make, but due to poor fabric choice ended in the recycling. Try again!

The Kelly Anorak could be a good one as I'd like to try more challenging makes this year.

I found this cool Calyer pattern from French Navy - not a company I've every tried so again something new and perhaps a different silhouette to try.

Activewear! This has to be tried this year... leggings of dreams.

A.......wedding dress???? Long story but I haven't yet found anything that I love. I'm aware that making one may add enormous stress levels however at least I could wear something personal and...me. 6 months to go....

A bright yellow dress. I've popped the Megan Neilsen River dress here although open to others. The point is I want it bright yellow. If anyone knows where I can find fabric suitable for that let me know!!

SOS Pants - I've recently discovered Patterns 4 Pirates and oooh-arrr sign me up. If I can make those bad boys, my trousers woes are over.

Carolyn PJs - made them before but I have some beautiful fabric (err yes also bought in 2017 with good intentions) as shown that is begging to be posh pjs.

Hey June Halifax Hoodie - because I love them. And this sweater fabric from Sew Me Sunshine in the stash is perfect...

How are your plans shaping up? Share your thoughts!

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1 comment:

  1. Good luck for your 2019 plans! I’m excited to see your Kelly anorak in particular, I absolutely love mine.
