Pattern Drafting at Make Place

From trouser obsessions to fitting bodices...I've found another aspect of drafting to lose my mind over. A little while ago I went on another pattern drafting course at MakePlace led by the very wise Jo - and she created a monster!

Another fab day of measuring fellow classmates ("hi nice to meet you - now let me reach across your boobs") and technical drawing with tea and voila...!

A perfectly fitted bodice with a sleeve! I think this looks a bit like fencing attire (or straight jacket - which may be more appropriate in my case) but DAMN its like having the key to unlock a thousand patterns...mwahahaha.

I loved the course, it was mesmerising seeing how seemingly similar sized people could produce a wide variety of different shaped slopers...there's no wonder RTW doesn't fit most folks. Gotta have an average though I guess!

So off we trotted with our cardboard patterns....then the crazy started again.

We learnt how to manipulate darts so of course I instantly wanted to have a go at making a V-neck and see if it worked.

Then a bit of trial and error drafting and adding the skirt half (using ol' faithful Winifred Aldrich book) so that I could make a sloper for a fitted dress.

A well pressed bit of muslin

Once again holding down fabric with anything but normal items - bean cans this time. Could really do with getting some proper weights or something from a DIY shop. Check out these little beauties that Tilly and the Buttons made!

Make Your Own Sewing Pattern Weights!
Photo from Tilly and the Buttons

Next came the fitting and then eventually a finished prototype!! Now lets see what we can do with this now.....the possibilities are endless.....

Drawing on myself - bloody love that bit...massively overestimated side bits.
Ready for dismantling back into pattern format!
Get ready stash you're about to get CUT
How have your drafting adventures been going? 

Feel free to comment and come and say hello on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Bloglovin too :-) xx


  1. So jealous! This looks amazing....wish I had something near me.

    1. Was a bit of a one off course - there does seem to be a lack of classes around generally i think
