In order to not waste an incredible bit of fabric I decided to actually do a trial version in cheap fabric to make sure my pattern fit properly. I used to hate the idea of doing a muslin before a real project however since learning how to draft my own patterns it has become an absolute must and really worth the time and effort for a good looking garment.
I used a pattern I drafted a while ago designed for stretch fabric - so there are no darts or twiddly bits - just a very simple shape. Its the main body and long sleeves, like a tube dress or sweater dress.
Firstly I cut out the pieces from some fabric I've had in the stash for YEARS. It finally has a purpose!!
Next up is assembling it - I'm doing it the cheats way. I'm not a fan of 'setting in' sleeves, whereby you make a sleeve and then gently ease it into the armhole. In this case as its a very casual dress made of stretch knit fabric there's not much need for that anyway.
What I do for these kind of dresses is firstly pin the dress at the shoulder seams - right sides together - and stitch them in place.
Once that is done, lay the dress flat so the back and front are splayed out and you can see the curve of the armhole (armsyce if you want to get technical.)
From there you can match the centre point of the sleeve to the shoulder seam. If you pin this first, you can then continue outwards in both directions pinning the sleeve to the armhole. Give it a sew!
Now you have the sleeves attached, all you have to do is put the dress right sides together and sew right up the side seam and across along the arm all in one go. Voila - dress done.
I quite like this how it is however given the colour I'm one pink lipstick shade away from being an extra on The Only Way Is Essex - so its being cut up for a pattern!
Once your muslin fits and all adjustments have been made, you can then cut it up again to form a new pattern that fits you just right, you're new alterations form a new pattern piece :-) (Don't forget your seam allowance!)
All that needs doing now is to make the real thing and hope and hope it doesn't mess up or get lost in translation...